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Introduction to Programming Languages
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"… a great introductory text, providing essential knowledge in the field and enabling students to place in the appropriate context the programming concepts they learned in their introductory courses. … The author has cleverly placed an introduction to data structures commonly used by programming languages in the second chapter, minimizing prerequisites and enabling the book’s usage at the sophomore level. Theory has been kept to levels suitable for a general undergraduate population and is supported by a wealth of concise, well-illustrated examples. … Recommended."―CHOICE, August 2014
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About the Author
Arvind Bansal is a professor of computer science at Kent State University. A member of IEEE and ACM, he is an area editor of Tools with Artificial Intelligence. His research interests include the areas of concurrent logic programming, fault-tolerant agent-based systems, knowledge bases, program analysis, XML-based multimedia languages and systems, bioinformatics, biological computing, and proteomics. He received a PhD in computer science from Case Western Reserve University.
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Product details
Paperback: 624 pages
Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (December 16, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1466565144
ISBN-13: 978-1466565142
Product Dimensions:
7 x 1.4 x 10 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
1.7 out of 5 stars
8 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#3,022,243 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I was among the few who had to use this textbook literally during its first time on the market. At first, I was extremely excited seeing that he somehow made an effort in the first chapter but as I kept on reading it,it literally looked like he had multiple webpages open trying to infuse their respective ideas into this book.CONS:First of, his ideas are scattered all over the place in each and every one of the chapters. Never did I manage to fully comprehend what he talks about in each chapter to the extent where I would sincerely feel comfortable with the material.Second,his explanations for most terms is just ridiculously stupid and tends to leave you more confused prior to reading the book.Third,I even had one of my PhD (Computer Science) friends read a subsection of the book and try to explain to me what he was trying to convey and even he admitted to the rather poor wording,frequently misleading and confusing concepts which he was trying to put across.PROS:The only thing about this book which really made me even continue reading it,was the effort he kept in truly explaining his examples in such detail. Every time I read this book, I was dying to get to the examples in order to see exactly what he is mumbling in all of the prior paragraphs. He even uses an entire page sometimes just to explain one example.WARNING:If you don't pay maximum attention to it,you might even end up getting lost in the example explanation itself.GENERALLY:Unlike me, if you have the luxury of getting another book for the class, GET THE OTHER BOOK ASAP! DON'T BE A HOT-HEAD and get this book for I tell you,MAY THE 4TH BE WITH U in trying to comprehend the contents.This is truly not a textbook you'd want to read whilst listening to music (coming from a person who listens to music while doing Math and Programming) or doing any other activity.Even if you pay so much attention to it, the wording and structure in general will leave you in an even bigger dilemma.But if you're unfortunate as me and have to use this textbook for your class,I highly recommend you use references from other books or the internet prior to reading the textbook.Read accredited online articles first about the respective topic,understand them then refer back to the book.This is the only way I even comprehended the 3/4 that I did of every chapter.Once you read Chapter 6(Garbage Collection) and get done with it,you'll ask yourself the same question I asked myself awhile back,"Why isn't this book part of the garbage that the garbage collector has to dispose off?"This book is officially going to my "Wall Of Shame".
The book is entitled "Introduction to Programming Languages," however the majority of the information is presented as if the persons reading the book have an inherent understanding of the terms and definitions written about. While the class this book was written for (the author's class) demanded an understanding, if this book is used elsewhere I would highly advise against it. Most if not all of the content is confusing and written for a much higher level of understanding than "introductory." There are also several cases where the information listed in the book is completely incorrect; most of the memory management section is strewn with errors in diagrams and content.In addition, the book is absolutely written for the author's teaching style (he teaches using his own book), not anyone else's. I foresee problems if this book is used with other professors. The homework problems are written in a confusing way, and are written such that each extended response question will *REQUIRE* at least a one page answer, when in most cases the information requested could be expressed in a single paragraph.If you are a student of the author and are forced to buy this book, unfortunately you'll have to. The book is the only source he approves for use on the homework. If you are a student of another university and the book is required, you may as well. It has the potential to be useful with additional content taught alongside it. If you are a professor considering this as a book for your class, please, PLEASE look elsewhere. This is NOT a good book to teach unless you are willing to correct and update a significant amount of information, in addition to writing your own homework problems so you don't have to grade the equivalent of a research paper per student with every homework.
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